It is a long long journey
Out beyond the amethystIt is still and quiet : a total union
Intravenous veins circulate on her bodiceSupple as indiarubber
the phallus bends
There's something out there
between the stars
hovering at a distance above the yellowlit street
breathing hot breath
hot and sticky as dough
that's kneaded to an ecstasy
The static air is shorn asunder
and the great black void sparkles
between rend and rend
The rim of the world is flesh
dainty like china
delicate as sphincter
Out yonder the bitch defecates
two giant fingers beneath here breasts
The universe spins on
rimless like a top through space
and the world creaks at the hinges
Stately as eagles
twin suns rise over the corner of the world
crackling with sodium to mate
in one gigantic akunchanam
Volcanoes roar deafening
over the immense oyster sunspot
soft as an open cunt
silky violet
with a centre of dark scarlet
A solitary lamp in that coalblack spaceyou are there, sitting on the edge of a bed
wearing the darkness like a shawl
bent over my alien body
intent as nails
in the throbbing quiet
the stillness trickles down your cheek
an opal tear - to burst
into a trillion fruitdrops
which bear an orange sun :
past the saturn-blue outposts it flew
till beyond the blood of Bethelguese
it cast itself from the dark cliff
a trumpet sound
sighing a mirror-cracking sigh
the universe is burned to a cinder
in the intense heat .......