Part the third

There are 3 selves, or rather 1 self which comprises 3. This one self is the True Self, the Overself and constitutes the Essence-I. This Essence-I is the Unifying principle and as such is ever-present and for the most part latent. While latent it manifests 2 other selves which cannot exist - do not exist - independent of Essence-I, being manifestations of Essence-I. These manifested selves are polar but mutually complementary. It is not known for certain whether they be acquired, being, as they are, manifestations of Essence-I. Since they are in a way digressions from pure being which is the mode and fabric of Essence-I, they may be said to be artificial. What causes Essence-I to manifest thus is not yet known precisely, but it can be said - with caution - that the cause is deus-ex-machina that is to say the action of an agent external to Essence-I on Essence-I, the result of which action is the manifestation of Essence-I which is, in itself an action, albeit an impure one. Concerning the nature of the manifested Is, one is lunar and the other solar, one water and the other fire.